Headteacher: Linda Burrows
Welcome to Chorley New Road Primary Academy
Our Mission Statement of ‘Challenge, Nurture, Respect’ underpins everything that we do at Chorley New Road. All our children and staff believe that they can achieve whatever they set their mind to, in our safe, caring and happy school. We believe in developing all areas of the children that we have in our care. All our staff have high expectations for all our children and are proud of our relationships that we have built with parents, carers and community, all centered on the same goal- the very best for all children.
You are very welcome to visit our school (by appointment) to see first-hand what makes CNR so special. Please feel free to contact the office if you would like further information Telephone 01204 337046 or email office@cnr.bolton.sch.uk
Albany Academy
September 2025 - Year 7 Admissions
A maximum of 15 places will be allocated to children attending Chorley New Road Primary Academy who have been attending the school for at least 3 consecutive school years (Years 4,5 and 6).
Free Uniform and PE Kit to all pupils new to Reception September 2025
Contact the school if you would like to join our CNR Family:
01204 337046
Video Prospectus
CNR Family
Inside The Classroom